Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kaika: Who We Are


It all started with Frank A. Munsey, a native of Maine who moved to New York City, around the 1880's. Intent on making his wealth through publishing, Munsey managed to seize control of his publisher, after they went bankrupt, through a claim for his unpaid salary.

Many readers of the time could not afford the 25 Cent 'slicks,' which were the standard of the late 1800's. Instead, Munsey released his publications on cheap untrimmed pulp paper, bringing the cost down, usually to 10 Cents per issue. He released a number of publications such us Argosy Magazine, Munsey's Magazine, and All-Story Magazine, all of which came with Munsey's philosophy: "a magazine of the people and for the people, with pictures and art and good cheer and human interest throughout."

This philosophy met with great success, and set the gears in motion for later publications, such as Weird Tales, Amazing Stories, Dime Detective, and Marvel Tales.  

Characters like Tarzan, Buck Rogers, and Zorro can trace their roots back to these pages and even Writers like H.P. Lovecraft, Phillip K. Dick, and H.G. Wells, individuals whose fictions can still be remembered today, were first published in this medium. Fictions about unknown creatures, unexplored worlds and the science of tomorrow found their place in these pages, and have changed modern fiction ever since.
Kaika Magazine seeks to continue the tradition of a magazine for the people, by the people

What do I mean by that?

Our goal is to bring you the best-of-the-best in Speculative Fiction, written by you, the reader. We want your stories to be known and read by audiences across the world. 

And we want to do it for free.

Audience-Provided content will fill our pages, brought to you on a
Quarterly basis through E-Publication and the Internet. Thanks to these technologies, Kaika will be able to reach every corner of the world, shared between friends and communities.

Kaika Magazine will also be released as a Limited-Run Box Issues. (Read more about that here)

How can you get involved? 

Writers: Have a story written? Submit it. Have a story in mind? We'd love to publish it. You can find more details here regarding written work. 

Illustrators: What good would a magazine be without wonderful images adorning its pages? We want your work as well! 

Artist's Multiples: Physical works, 2D or 3D. Limited Prints, Pins, Sculptures, or whatever you can come up with! Learn more about Artist's Multiples here.

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